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Composite shop

The Composite Shop provides a space for layups and composite manufacturing equipment.

Equipment Location Safety orientation Scheduling



A composite curing autoclave is a pressurized oven. The temperature can be increased and decreased at a controlled rate. The autoclave is filled with compressed air, which helps the composite part conform to a mold, and in combination with a vacuum bag, forces air out of parts to ensure a high-quality final part.


  • Maximum autoclave temperature: 400F
  • Maximum autoclave pressure (uses compressed air, no added nitrogen): 89 psi
  • 3 vacuum ports available

For each autoclave use, come prepared with a complete cure recipe, including temperature and pressure ramp rates. All new materials or cure recipes must be approved by a staff engineer.

Autoclave Interior Dimensions

Heated Platen Press

A platen press applies pressure using parallel flat platens. The Wabash platen press is designed to heat and cool evenly across the surface of the platens. The platen press in the ME composite shop is used most often to cure composite panels and compression molded parts, but can also be used for pressing low-toxicity powders or other applications that can be pressed with parallel plates and require even heating.


  • Platen size: 24” x 24”
  • Maximum temperature: 650F
  • Maximum force: 50 tons
  • Minimum force: 5 tons is the minimum calibrated force, but the minimum possible force is 0.2 tons.

For curing composites, come prepared with a complete cure recipe, including temperature ramp rates and platen force in tons (1 ton= 2000lbs). All new materials or cure recipes must be approved by a staff engineer.

CNC Fabric Cutter

The Autometrix Advantage is a 2D CNC cutter and plotter. In the ME composite shop, it is used mostly to cut prepreg or dry carbon fiber and fiberglass with precise fiber angles and shapes, but it can be used to cut many thin flexible materials. It is not a good tool for cutting rigid materials- a laser cutter or waterjet cutter is a better choice for rigid sheet materials.


  • Table Size: 96” x 65”. Maximum recommended cutting dimensions are 94” x 63”.
  • Cutting tools: Default cutting tool is 28mm rotary blade. A tangential blade is available upon request for a setup fee.
  • Plotting tools: Default plotting tool is a ballpoint pen. Plotting with permanent marker (sharpie) is available upon request for a setup fee.
  • File types for import: .dxf (preferred), .aama, .iso, .eps, .ntv, and Patternsmith files (.project, .pxml, .pat)

File tips:

  • Use a grid for cutting squares, rather than a linear pattern of boxes. Grid patterns are also straightforward to draw in Patternsmith, the fabric cutter software.
  • To minimize time cleaning up files while using the fabric cutter, use the minimum number of points necessary for splines or curves.
  • When possible, curves should have a radius of no less than 14mm. Tight curves can cause the blade to twist and pull at fibers.


The Composite Shop is located in the the Mechanical Engineering Building ground floor. The C15 parking lot is the closest parking.

Safety orientation

All users of the Composite Shop must complete a lab safety orientation session before working in the shop. Further training is required for each piece of equipment, e.g., autoclave and fabric cutter.

Sign up for composite shop safety by e-mailing  Orientation sessions are mainly held in the first few weeks of each quarter.

Review and sign composite shop rules


To schedule time on Composite Shop equipment, use UW CORAL. You must register for an ME Shops CORAL account before scheduling equipment.

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