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The MEssenger

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Spring 2024

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Issue highlights:

Improving medical devices, electric vehicles and electronic recycling

Autumn 2023

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Issue highlights:

Monitoring for marine life and human-inspired robotic perception.

Spring 2023

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Issue highlights:

Robotics for manufacturing, renewable energy research and graduate student experiences.

Autumn 2022

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Issue highlights:

Supporting mobility in cerebral palsy, 3D pathology research, DEI and more

Spring 2022

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Issue highlights:

Artificial intelligence is transforming engineering education 

Autumn 2021

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Issue highlights:

Machine vision and artificial intelligence address engineering challenges

Spring 2021

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Issue highlights:

One student’s journey to build a swarm of robotic devices for underwater mapping.

Autumn 2020

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Issue highlights:

Carrying on ME's research and education mission during an unprecedented time

Spring 2020

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Issue highlights:

Fabrication engineers help meet the need for medical supplies due to COVID-19

Autumn 2019

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Issue highlights:

How the flocking behavior of birds could inform autonomous robotics research